jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

Geography Shapes Nature of War

Even though, the geography may bring good conditions to fight against, it is not an important topic to be aware of. Because, the thing that should concern us is people life not where war is develop.
I think that we do not have enough arguments to justify war, because any of them are reasonable.
War brings more death than solution. I can not think in this topic without wondering the huge damage against people and also i totally disagree with how this text is develop. We do not care about the terrible effect that war does. Instead of being insensible to those civilians we should understand the difficulties that they´re going through. I think, soldiers see the war in the other way around, because they do not perceive the consequences of it.

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse was an important indian chief who belonged to Lakota Ollala ethnic group. He, Red Cloud and Spottled Tail set up an alliance to fight against white people. He had plenty of combat abilities and he could show them when he fought against settlers in Fetterman.
These ethnic groups were fighting against settlers because they wanted lands and animals of these tribes. For that reason U.S Government established a peace treaty which assigned territories to Cheyennes and Lakotas. However, Crazy Horse did not accept this and he and his group were walking outside Sioux reservation as a way to make pressure to U.S Government, but that did not happen and Crazy horse had to give up as soon as Government pushed him to do it.

I think that Crazy Horse did a heroic act, because he defended his own origins and the others as native american. What`s more his life was ideal and also was demostrated until the last consequence. I consider he was an example for his tribe and a leader as well.

To sum up, I think that it`s valuable fight nail and tooth defending your ideals and convictions as Crazy Horse did.

viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Big Bird!

If I were a superheroine I would like to have one specific superpower, "the ability to fly". Because I think is totally cool going around flying and watching the sky, also enjoying and feeling the air. I could travel wherever i like and also spend time visiting different countries and knowing a variety of landscapes. Besides, flying is such as frustrated human dream and people have been tried to imitate this creating aeroplanes, helicopter, among other things.
On the other hand, I totally disagree with two superpowers because they seem like unnecesary to have it. There are the abilitity to read other people´s minds and immortality. The first one would be inconvenient because you could hear your own mind and also you would know something thing that you would not have to know. What´s more there have more disadvantages than advantages. I think it´s better not to know some thoughts of your friends, family or other people, maybe you do not like what they think. The second one is really sad because you would see every time people dying and do not maintain your loved ones. Although it sounds a little bit ironic, to die is part of life, so that immortality it would not be good enough.

To conclude, flying is the only super power that give you the opportunity to feel free in a way.

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

My assignment

Well, this blog was created for many reasons; expressing ideas, thoughts and different experiences and so on.

Maybe i should share one little experience... right?

Here I go! Today was such a terrific day in many ways, so that I have felt happier than ever before.
The reason is too simple. I`m trying to understand that some things in my life has to keep going and also i can sort it out. The other thing was my reading. I`m reading Rayuela for Philosophy It`s such a spectacular book and I would recommend it. It`s great to think that every single chapter of Rayuela has relationship with our contemporary world.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

This is the Last Time

Let me think of it ...

My blogging experience have had ups and downs( i must be honest) because some topics that we saw in the semester did not caught my attention, but at least it was fruitful in the way, that i could express my thoughts and feelings. I think this activity was a challenge for me and at last i can write some little words in this blog. Most of the time i enjoyed to write in the blog , but sometimes i felt that my vocabulary was such a limited because i was always writing in the same way. But now i feel it is different because i´m always trying to add new vocabulary or new expressions. Well, I think that this activity have had more advantages than disadvantages because it is know that writing help us to improve and develop our English skills. I know that Miss Bea push us to write because it is the only way to increase vocabulary. What`s more she give us a little help with the next semester.I consider one valuable advantage is that we had understood what the rest of class think. I think that some of them have surprising ideas about life and things like that.

Perhaps, i will continue writing in the blog and i hope that it will be better. Finally, i wish you luck in your final exams specially in which you are in the red line =).
Ohhh! I forget write about something ... yes! my weaknesses are too many to specify all of them, so i have to summarize that my big fault in class is ( Have a guess!) yes, i`ve never speak in class, so it seems that i do not study for anything but the truth is i`m very insecure about my .... speaking!Other weaknesses is that i`m absent-minded all the time, but i have to improve this now =)

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Reading News

I read a text about Education but I got surprised because the whole news was related to energy resources. The news was taken from http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/08/realestate/08wczo.html?ref=education and the title is "School Colors: Green and Greener".

To begin with, the Quinnipiac University utilizes an unusual project that promoted wind energy.
Well, the main idea of the text is that the project is useful and help the environment. What`s more
this project intend to promoted serenity and visual effect for the students. Furthermore, it is producing energy too.
This text caught my attention because the tecnology can help two aspects.Firstly, the students because they enjoy with the amazing structure. Secondly, the enviroment because reduces the light consume.
According to Mr. Riley this project has lots of advantages because the windspires are very noiseless because their turbines use a productive system that every turbine is close to other so this reduces the noise absolutely.

I think this issue is related to Chile because as human being we should concern about our enviroment and we must know about how improve this kind of energy to the world.
Well, i think that Chile is trying to use this energy but it had not use in the schools yet because it is very expensive.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2009

"Into the wild"... the best movie ever

Well, al last i can write about a topic that i really like because watching a movie is the best pastime which you can enjoy and learn in the same time. I really think that some movies teach you important perspective of life and....... this is the case of this movie .

The director of this movie is Sean Paul and the actors are Emile Hirsh ,William Hurt and Marcia Gay Harden. The movie was opened in 2007.

"Into the wild" was based on a bestseller with the same title that the movie has and its author was Jon Krakauer. Furthermore, this movie is a true story and tells about a young american man called Cristhopher McCandless who decided live his life according his own convictions and he tries to find the real meaning of the human existence so that he lives without any support of his family and he decided to dissapear any sign of his identity. He goes to Alaska and lives his life like a nomadic existence.

The movie moves on between flashbacks and flashforwars so the audience can see his life during the movie and they can realize why he made those strongs decisions.

When he lived in Alaska he started to live his life completely and he got way from everything so that he survive with the animals that he kills and the fruits and plants that he pick on the forest.

Finally, he died by a poisonous fruit but thinking that the life is living with the people that you really love.

I think that this movie is awesome because reflect as human beign in his/her constantly wish that is better to go away of the world and live without anything but it is certainly true that we need share our life with somebody else.